Apr 2, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer, Erika Lee

The tags used in my work includes; <figure>, <figcaption>, <blockquote>, <q> , <p> and <cite>.

Reasons for using the aforementioned tags.

Firstly, the given code pen consist of more than three lines of quotes which gives room for the use of blockquote element.

Secondly, the reason for using figure and figcaption elements is just to mark up the code in a way that pleases the semantic code deities.

Lastly, I used separate paragraph for alice and queen

Below is my pen.


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Apr 2, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer, Erika Lee


I figured since the quote was one sizable portion from the same book it would all be together in one <blockquote>. Then separating the phrases into <p> tags. I also used <p> & <em> tags for the citation, but I imagine <cite> could work here also.

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Apr 2, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer, Erika Lee
Apr 2, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer, Erika Lee


The passage from Alice in Wonderland is in a single blockquote (if we had a URL for the original text, we could have added a cite attribute).

Alice and the Queen each got their own paragraph tags.

I left the quotation marks in the conversation as is.

I then put the citation text inside a cite tag.

Then I closed the blockquote

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Apr 2, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer, Erika Lee
Apr 2, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer, Erika Lee


I encompassed all of the text here inside of a blockquote, since it's a long passage from a book. I then used two separate paragraph elements, one for Alice's dialogue and one for the Queen's. Finally, I used a dash and a citation at the end of the text, where the book name and author are mentioned.

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Apr 2, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer, Erika Lee
Apr 2, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer, Erika Lee
Apr 2, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer, Erika Lee

To me, it seemed natural to contain the entire quote in a single blockquote with two paragraphs, one for Alice, one for the Queen. Figure and cite tags not something I usually use, but they seemed appropriate after peeking at the MDN doc on blockquote. Applied simple styling to easier distinguish between html elements. Did not apply the q element. Unsure if that was a mistake. https://codepen.io/oldrup/pen/QWdpRdQ

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Oct 15, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer

I wrapped the first two paragraphs in p tags and then in a blockquote. It read like it was gotten from a book or article


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Jun 25, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer


Is this Ok?

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To start with I considered whether this needed either <blockquote> or <q> as it is a conversation. Then decided, as it is a fair size passage from a book, to use <blockquote>.


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May 1, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer
Apr 29, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer

Better late than never, right? :)


I used the block quote around the entire section, but added paragraphs for each separate quote. I also decided to try and throw in a cite, but it could be incorrect. I will have to keep going with the next day of challenges to get that down the right way!

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Apr 20, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer


The whole passage is one blockquote, and having come across the different blockquote/cite markup from WHATWG and W3C before, I included them both.

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I think I improved the citation: https://codepen.io/romola/pen/bGgrZML

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Apr 7, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer

Here is mine, I think I did okay on it.


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Apr 7, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer

Here is mine. I think I did okay but I think could be better.


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This is more an exercise in using codepen: https://codepen.io/romola/pen/bGgrZML

Everything takes some time.

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Apr 6, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer

Here is my fork


I have not went any wilder than all of those before me :-)

I did at first put whole of the last line in cite, although after visiting MDN from the link you have provided on blockquotes, I have fixed it a bit :-)

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I admit I am lost. This looks like a passage from the book, so (as I've seen below someone else commented), it would be 1 long blockquote. Then maybe everything in quotes in the passage become a <q>? I need to register for CodePen .. so will try to catch up a little later in the week. What confuses me is whether to treat the exercise as a real quote from the book or as an example of a conversation. Maybe someone slipped something into my brain causing this confusion. I treated it as a blockquote within a blockquote and realize this should be much simpler. And, I have no idea how to mark up the "citation". I will look at other solutions after trying a little more.

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Apr 5, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer

Here is mine: https://codepen.io/adamabundis/details/wvgeqbK

I also realized that the CodePen details section accepts markdown, so I used some <q>/<cite> within there as well. I went with the <figure>/<figcaption> solution and added a cite attribute URL that has that passage.

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Apr 4, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer

Newly edited: https://codepen.io/steph_pujols/pen/QWdvzJK

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Apr 3, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer

Here's mine! https://codepen.io/meg_gutshall/pen/gOgWdJb

I used the blockquote element since there was a good bit of text in there and I wanted to give citing a try. I wrapped it in a figure element was debating between using footer and figcaption to wrap the citation, but settled on figcaption because it seems to make more sense semantically.

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Apr 3, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer

I believe I fixed it. https://codepen.io/kelsey-van-ert/pen/rNjmMyz

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Apr 3, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer
Apr 3, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer
Apr 3, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer

I am using figure and figure caption because these are semantically correct and validated

my solution : https://codepen.io/ashishmangla1991/pen/abpWpYB

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Apr 3, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer

I decided to separate this content with two blockquotes combined with paragraph tags, and use <cite> for the citation. Here is my codepen :) https://codepen.io/laucrisw/pen/poReXBg

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Apr 3, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer


So glad my friend shared this challenge with me! I used <blockquote>, <p>, and <cite>🥳

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Apr 2, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer
deletedApr 3, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer
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deletedApr 2, 2021Liked by Jen Kramer, Erika Lee
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