In the bottom right corner of the CodePen example, there should be a button that says Fork. Click it. This will make a copy of the code that you can save to your CodePen account.
While anyone can edit or fork a CodePen, you can’t save and share your work without creating a CodePen account. It’s easy and free. The button to do this is in the upper right corner of the CodePen window.
🐈⬛ 🐩 🐿 Awesome job -- very classy! Congrats on finishing the challenge - you've done great work, and we so appreciate that you shared your work. See you at the next one!
🐈⬛ 🐩 🐿 Woo hoo! Footer looks amazing. Excellent use of <details>. I so appreciate you taking the challenge with Erika and me - it's been fun watching you grow. Hope to see you again at the next one!
🐈⬛ 🐩 🐿 Awesome job -- very classy! Congrats on finishing the challenge - you've done great work, and we so appreciate that you shared your work. See you at the next one!
🐈⬛ 🐩 🐿 Woo hoo! Footer looks amazing. Excellent use of <details>. I so appreciate you taking the challenge with Erika and me - it's been fun watching you grow. Hope to see you again at the next one!