🔥🎉🔥🎉🔥🎉 Looking great! A few things on both challenges. On the first, almost perfect, except this paragraph:

<p><address>If all else fails, you may reach us by phone at 123-456-7890 or email <a href="#">info@example.com.</a></address></p>

<address> is for contact information only (just the phone and email), not for the whole sentence. In this case, I would probably leave it out. For the email link, remember to start that with mailto, as in <a href="mailto:info@example.com">info@example.com.</a> You can also turn the phone number into a link - do you know how? 😁

Second challenge is also really well done! I think I'd use <code> on line 13 and <var> on line 15 - reverse these. For the keyboard stuff, you want a <kbd> around each key AND optionally one around the whole group --

<kbd><kbd>OPTION</kbd> + <kbd>COMMAND</kbd> + <kbd>J</kbd></kbd>

Looks weird, but it works! Nice work again -- thanks for sharing!

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Thank you so much, for your feedback.🙏🙏

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2nd challenge https://codepen.io/romola/pen/bGqEjjX?editors=1100

Day 15 as a <time> is silly but it seemed like something could be done. I couldn't find something comparable to Week number. It seems like the program code could also have included styling with <var> but the whole thing looks like the code to me (including the // comments) so it made sense to make it all just <code>. I wasn't certain this is JavaScript so didn't declare the code language.

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Ha! I hadn't thought of putting <time> on the challenge info, but why not? It's time! Yes, you got <code>, <pre>, <var>, and <kbd> correct. I'm not sure about the <small> around the <code> console.log(); on line 14. This isn't fine print, and it feels like you might be doing formatting rather than markup? In any case, it looks great -- nice work as always!

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1st challenge <no script> https://codepen.io/romola/pen/abJdKeN?editors=1100

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Nicely done! The <noscript> works great. For the list, you don't need a description list here, because there isn't paired information. A regular UL unordered list with LI list items would probably be fine. I'm not sure I'd use <address> in this context, as this information is inline in the sentence, as opposed to a block of contact information. Other than that, this looks great -- thanks for sharing! You're doing great 😁

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Thanks, just trying to impress with <address> and other unnecessary stuff. As someone I know likes to say "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."

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Yes, quite often! 🤣

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1st Challenge <no script> https://codepen.io/athelas85/pen/vYgQvVe

2nd Challenge https://codepen.io/athelas85/pen/wvgQRZQ

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🔥🎉🔥🎉🔥🎉 Nicely done on the noscript challenge!

And 🔥🎉🔥🎉🔥🎉 great job on the 2nd challenge! For the code example - where might be the output (<samp>)?

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Oh! Yes, added to the file. 🙈

Thank you!!

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Challenge 1

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Nicely done - this looks terrific! 🎉🎉🎉🔥🔥🔥

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I styled this before adding <noscript> so I could see that it looked okay. There were plenty of styling options here, and I maybe spent too much time on those, but I think I understand how to use <noscript>!

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🎉🎉🎉🔥🔥🔥 Nicely done! You don't need a <p> around your <ul> - other than that, this looks fantastic! Great job!

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^^ The link for my submission for the unit challenge

-For this one, I decided against adding <datetime> to 'Day 15', since I'm not sure there is a format for a day without a date within a duration of days (confusing, lol). <datetime> still remains the most difficult element to master in this section, but I feel pretty comfortable with the rest!

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Challenge 1^^

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And here is the Science & Geekery Challenge: https://codepen.io/kldickenson/pen/ZELjBXR

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Challenge 2^^

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🎉🎉🎉🔥🔥🔥 woo woo! Looks good - except the telephone link: <a href="tele:123-456-7890"> should be <a href="tel:123-456-7890">. Great job as always!

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🎉🎉🎉🔥🔥🔥FIRST! And nicely done -- I see nothing at all in the view pane 🤣 The HTML looks good though!

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Apr 16, 2021
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🎉🎉🎉🔥🔥🔥 🎉🎉🎉🔥🔥🔥 You included some CSS in your <noscript>, woo woo! This looks great as always :-D

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