Ironic that the web publishing tool you are using doesn't support the web element under discussion. Why does substack not do that?

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I agree, ironic! I always assume it's because of security.

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๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ Woo hoo! Looks great and works well. Nicely done, great clean markup!

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I was wondering if the <time> element could/should be used?

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Absolutely! The focus here was the HTML table, but you could (should!) mark up your times with the <time> element. If you want to take another pass at it, let me know when you've updated it. Time is challenging... there are 50-ish formats for it in the spec!

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Updated with added <time> https://codepen.io/artlessflapdragon/pen/JjOZLyO

After a couple of research I found an old post on StackOverflow that pretty much stated that there isn't really any support for time ranges with <time> so I went with the approved answer. The post is 11yrs old so but I couldn't find any other info with regards to time ranges...

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https://jen4web.substack.com/p/time -- this might help? At least the references to WHATWG might be useful. That's the only place I've seen that offers examples of all kinds of time formats.

I think you have it, though -- about all you can do is mark up the starting and ending times for each event individually. Seems like you should be able to mark up a recurring day of the week, but that doesn't seem possible in the WHATWG docs: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/text-level-semantics.html#the-time-element

Nice job on taking up the challenge!

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